Genetic diversity analysis of Morchella RAPD

Document Type : Short communication


1 Biotechnology Research Laboratory, Shenyang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenyang Liaoning, China

2 Department of Biotechnology, University of Sargodha, Sargodha Pakistan


This study investigated the genetic diversity of morchella species using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Morchella species are an important group of edible mushrooms belonging to the family Helveliaceae with medicinal and economical significance. In this study we have developed an efficient method of genomic DNA isolation which was amplified by eight RAPD primers to test the polymorphism in three species of morchella. Out of all eight primers tested in current study, one of them (B8) resulted 100% polymorphism among the three studied species. Based on the RAPD profile a similarity matrix was generated to construct a dendrogram for phylogenetic analysis revealing the relationship among the three species of morchella.


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