What is an Open Access?
Open access is the practice of providing unrestricted access via the Internet to peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles.
Does "Molecular Biology Research Communications" (MBRC) have Impact Factor?
No new journal, even published by the top most publishers, can have ISI impact factor in first two years of operation.
I want to know where MBRC is indexed?
MBRC is indexed in Index Copernicus, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA), Online Access to Research in the Environment (OARE), Academic Journals Database, Cancer Research Library Online (CaRLO), SHERPA/RoMEO, ResearchBib and about other 30 databases..
What's the frequency of publication?
Molecular Biology Research Communications is published quarterly in the following months; March, June, September, and December.
Which types of manuscripts are accepted for publication?
• Review Articles
• Original Research Articles
• Short Communications
• Letters to the Editor
What's the Journal language?
Articles are published in English.
What's the relationship of MBRC to Shiraz University?
This journal is published by Shiraz University.
Where/how do I submit my article to MBRC?
The Journal's "Guide for Authors" provides instructions for submission and can be obtained from the Journal homepage at http://mbrc.shirazu.ac.ir
What costs are involved in publication of an article?
Publications are free of charge.
How much of the website is freely accessible?
All articles are freely accessible online. That means you have unrestricted access to the articles in PDF format.
Who can access MBRC articles?
Scientists, academicians, students and researchers throughout the world can access MBRC articles. The MBRC is open access and is available without any subscription fee.
How do I submit my paper to MBRC?
All papers must be submitted through our online submission system, in which paper status can easily be tracked. The new user should apply for a new group of Username & Password to submit. All the figures and tables should be combined with the text as a single MS Word for submission.
Please see http://mbrc.shirazu.ac.ir/contacts?_action=login for submission.
Is it essential to recommend potential reviewers for my paper?
efficiency of your paper.
How much is MBRC charging for article processing?
There is no article processing fee.
Is there any publication fee charged for papers published in MBRC?
Are there any publication charges for color images and number of pages in manuscripts?
There are no specific charges for color images and number of pages.
How long will it take to peer review my paper?
It usually takes about 4-6 weeks. Please contact the editorial assistant if you want to know the status of your paper.
When and how shall I receive a proof of my article?
A proof of most papers published will be sent to the corresponding author within 2-4 weeks, generally by e-mail in PDF format.
When do you need my proofs back?
We require proof corrections to be returned within two working days.
What is a ‘Conflict of Interest’?
Any financial interests or connections, direct or indirect, or other situations that might raise the question of bias in the work reported or the conclusions, implications or opinions stated – including pertinent commercial or other sources of funding for the individual author(s) or for the associated department(s) or organization(s), personal relationships, or direct academic competition.
Is it possible to access published articles?
You can easily download from our website the pdf version of published articles.
In what format should be the paper submitted to journal?
Please read our Giude for Authors before submission of your paper since only articles formatted accordingly may be accepted.
What is the reviewing process?
Please see http://mbrc.shirazu.ac.ir/journal/process to get information about reviewing process.
Do I have to answer each and every reviewer query?
Yes, it is necessary and very important that you answer each query, even if you think the mauscript does not require correction. Sometimes, queries are asking for updated information (references) or for missing citations of figures or tables in the text.
May I volunteer as a reviewer?
We would be glad to have you review articles. If you would like to do so, please send us your CV and a brief statement of your research interests to mbrc@shirazu.ac.ir.